Why I’m here

www.simplyameryn.comIn 2014 I began my official journey as a Health Coach. At that point, my health, as well as my families, had been front and center for almost 6 years already. When you, or in my case, someone you love, has a near death experience and a diet and lifestyle change is the only thing to turn it around, you stop and pay attention. I realized in those years of searching, trial and error and ups and downs, that this is what people need. This is what I needed to be doing. I needed to be sharing the information that I had to dig deep to find. Everything else seemed so trivial. I had been in the interior design field for years and I just couldn’t get excited about it anymore. My design books quickly were replaced by books about diet, detoxing, health and wellness, and those eventually gave way to books on mindset and spirituality too.

Over the last 10 years I have not only learned about, but also tried many different diets. You know, all of those ‘This is the one and only diet you’ll ever need!’ diets… Well, I’ve got to tell you, there is no ‘one and only’ diet. There is no ‘right’ diet. There is just what works for you now. Let me share another secret with you, there is a lot more to being healthy than just eating right. Sure, eating right goes a long way, but if you’re stressed and unfulfilled, you can eat kale morning, noon and night, but you’re still going to feel like shit at the end of the day.

Finding the balance is the key to wellness. It may be very obvious where you’re out of balance, or you may need to dig a bit deeper. Either way, with some small shifts and new good habits, you’d be surprised how far you can go. I have found that this seemingly complicated world of nutrition is actually much simpler than you might think. This doesn’t mean it’s necessarily easy, but it can be very simple and very effective.

So, that is an extremely quick version of how I got to where I am today. Somewhere between a health a coach and a life coach. A Holistic Living Coach. I made up this title because I feel it’s so much more fitting to what I actually do. I’m not just looking at your diet. I’m looking at your life and your environment and how you can better not only yourself, but your family, and your home, and your community. It goes so much further then just what we eat. How we feel is an extension of everything that we do. And everything that we do impacts everything around us.

One thought on “Why I’m here

  1. Wow! I have been on tons of diets and they all end up not working. I’m interested to see your take on things. Thanks!

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